Late, but salient, Dan Barlow checks in with a post that will "scare you white."
Date: Thu, 3 May 2007 11:56:21 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: English 725: last minute blog work
From: "Dan Barlow"
To: bnericci@mail.sdsu.edu
Dear Professor Nericcio,
Perhaps it is too late for blog entries, but it occurred to me that I've only submitted one thus far. Here is one of scanty proportion that is nonetheless extremely interesting and relevant to issues of racial constructions in the media--something into which you know I am heartily indulging for my seminar paper. Simply put, here's a website touting a salable skin whitening product akin to Fanon's so-called "denegrification" serum...Hollywood's secret remedy for melanocytic malediction:
PS: It even turns nipples pink!
Thanks again and again for everything!!!
Dan Barlow
Ok, so if that is not the scariest advertisement, they sell it like AVON!!! And to think, the process is called "diamond whitening" considering that most of the world's diamonds originate from a continent filled with beautiful, dark-skinned people. The creators of this product treat a dark complexion as if it is a disease while there are tanning booths across the nation that herald the pigmentation of the skin. Cosmetology meets chaos...
A dark-skinned woman, Bianca!